Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chevron Quilt (Beginning Quilting Class @ ETC - March or April)

This is the featured quilt for Beginning Quilting class at ETC. This quilt will be taught in March and April on Mondays. For class schedules and times, please go to ETC website.  The quilt has no written pattern, we are using an fast and easy technique to make half  square triangles.  Love this method when you have to make lots. 

Hannah's Quilt

Hannah's Quilt
Well, here goes.  This is my first blog, so I thought I would let you see something I just recently finished.    Its a cute applique quilt made by my friend Carol for her granddaughter Hannah.

I had no idea how to quilt it, so I went a wandering to some of my favorite blogs and found Green Fairy Quilt, Judi Madsen.  She is amazing!!  She had done something very similar to what you see.

Sorry I didnt take a picture of the whole quilt after it was quilted.  I'll have to remember I have a blog now and pictures are important.   

Thread Art Class Sample

Thread Art Class Sample
This is my new sample for the Thread Art Class I'm teaching at ETC in the second quarter.  As you can see in the picture, I will need to go back to my sewing machine and add some density to the right hand corner. I have 2 more samples that I have been designing in my head.  Need to set to paper and then fabric. I will post new pictures when I get them done. 

Closer look at stiching